Tuesday, March 5, 2013

career plan

ok so i had a nightmare a while back about my sweet husband going home to be with Jesus and leaving me devastated, alone and without a plan. that has weighed heavily on my heart ever since. months now. not that i want or forsee any change in his condition - i am blessed with a healthy, wonderful husband who loves me and isnt going anywhere anytime soon to our knowledge, but... as life is often unpredictable, i choose to take this as a warning. it got me thinking, in addition to the recent changes in my own sanity's state, that i believe i am ready for a career. ready to finish school. ready to go on and do something with my life that is my OWN contribution to the world. i already help my dear husband to the best of my ability but the ministry is HIS baby. i love and believe in him and all that we do together, but if he were to pass along, i know that i know that i know i could not continue it in his absence. which leads me to the question... what to do with my life? well, having survived what i have, i believe it's time to go back to school. time to get a degree and time to get to work using my survival and compassion skills to help others. using my past to make a better future for other kids. so it's decided, i will look into shadowing someone in several different specialties of social work and etc. and decide with their help what is the best way to go and go back to school in the fall. i'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!