Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Filler Post

Okay - this is a stupid post. I've just given out my blog address to a new friend and I'm embarrassed that I've not posted this week. So here we are.

In a nutshell, I have the flu AND I have PMS - I'm a basketcase. But I'll get over it. Such is life.

Okay, now there's a post.

Will write more in a few days when the world stops spinning... Ugh.

Welcome, new friend. If you still want to be friends with me after this lame post, I'm impressed. lol.


Sam said...

awww i think its an amazing post! it has feeling and movement and thanks for adding me... now... how to follow this blog???

DaNella Auten said...

I bet I know that friend, and she isn't a fair weather friend... She'll be back.