Thursday, April 26, 2012


ok so i'm not done posting. hehehe - i just posted like thirty seconds ago and i have more to say. idk if it's silly - well actually it's not but who cares... where IS everyone lately? nobody is on IM on MSN or on Yahoo and nobody is on chat in my support group places and nobody is here - no one has commented in ages - i think i depressed all my readers into their own places of doom - i have no idea but its 10 am and people should be up and around and stuff. it's like the whole world got jobs and left and i feel like it's two am and i want to be silly gosh darnit but i have no one to be silly with and this is the longest craziest runon sentence i've typed in a very long time. yeah, i should be done posting but now my fingers are happy because i'm typing as fast as i'm thinking and it's fun to watch my fingers wiggle on the keyboard and watch the words appearingn while i'm typing random stuff. the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. yeah - go me. ok maybe i CAN type silliness like my friend she-who-yawns-like-great-puppy. alright - off to do something else now. that was fun I MISS EVERYONE - COME BACK SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

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