Thursday, April 26, 2012


have spent the evening reading up on DID and it's consequences and how God sees me. wishing for a place to discuss this with someone but feeling alone. so much to process but so few words... going to bed now - will think again in the morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

responding...several months ago I came across your blog. Read several post and realized I must go back to the beginning to when you started writing. Wow! Took me a few hours to read all of them. We all have emotional/physical scares in our lives but to the deepth of your abuse...unreal! I thought what can I possiblly say to this lady that would help inside her storm? I could hear your faith and belief trying, begging, pleading with God for help. I knew it wouldn't come easy and has miles yet to go...but, I also believe in the power of Christ Jesus and I realized the only helpful thing I good do was to beseach the Lord upon your behalf and believe he would begin the healing within your whole being. I hear hope within your most recent post. This is good! The dark memories, anger at times, hurt will be with you your entire life but by Gods grace you can live and deal with it. Keep writing keep the faith keep smiling (when you can:) and remember when you think no one cares or is listening, no ones praying, I am:)