Thursday, April 26, 2012

a bit of silliness

ok so i just read a friend's blog with a bit of silliness. i wish i could blog like that. i have such a hard time thinking of silly things to say that they just kind of fall flat and come out as stupid. no worries tho i'm not in a mood to self bash today - i'm feeling very good and dont want to ruin it. :) so a random joke - a scientist interviews a penguin - ok yes, that's random - and the penguin says all they eat is fish and that fish have no fiber so penguin's are all constipated and that's why they walk that way. idk if that's funny to anyone else but picturing them waddling and that it's because they are constipated makes me giggle. so there's my hats off to my dear friend who shared silliness with me today - you know who you are :)

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