Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back as promised with today's list

Okay, I've had some cool down time. It's been a bad day. But I have to keep my promise and post today's thankful list. And I do have some good things to be thankful for.

1- I'm thankful that God understands my anger and that He is willing to let me walk it through to get to the other side.

2- I'm thankful there's another side to get to.

3- I'm thankful that God is holy. That He is NOTHING like my dad.

4- I'm thankful that I have the ability to walk away and process. When I lived in the midst of it all there was no break. I have options now.

5- I'm thankful that I survived. I never knew then how different life could be.

6- I'm thankful that since #5 is true, I can look forward to life continuing to improve. There will be good in my future. God promised.

1 comment:

DaNella Auten said...

wow 6? we are making progress!