Friday, November 7, 2008

Today's List

Today's list of 5 things to be thankful for:

1- Interpretations of what people say can be wrong. Perspective can change everything. I was given a new outlook on hope today through a misunderstanding. I'm glad my friend clarified my error.

2- I'm glad for the freedom to process things on Fridays when I'm done with counseling. Not having to rush home right away is a good thing.

3- I'm glad God gave me a good friend who is willing to let me just go to her house and do nothing when I can't stand to be alone. Even if I don't even have the energy to tell her what's really going on, she still cares. Wow.

4- I'm thankful that even though my past holds so much pain, and even though my heart is overwhelmed at how much effort it takes to breathe, I don't live in the midst of it anymore. The memories are simply memories and are not current events for me anymore. (And I pray for those that have not yet experienced that change...which leads me to #5...)

5- I'm thankful that this world cannot continue to inflict it's wrath forever. Eventually, Jesus WILL come back and it will all end. Even if it's not in my lifetime (athough I certainly would love to go right now), just knowing that there is a promise that it WILL end is good. It's hard to look at the evil in the world and all the things that mankind can do to harm, maim and crush it's children. It's good to know that there will be an accounting. Justice WILL be served - even if it's not happening right now.

1 comment:

DaNella Auten said...

I too am thankful it can't last forever... Maranatha! Come quickly Lord Jesus!