Okay, so it's 4 am my time (yes, the clock on this thing is set to Pacific so it disagrees with me, but I tell the truth...) and my belly is screaming so I'm awake, but my brain is also working overtime so I thought I'd get a blog in before I go to the hospital after the sun comes up (I refuse to wake my children if I can hang on until morning...but in the morning, we go to the hospital, something has to be done...)
Anyway, thinking about the future in hopeful terms for the first time in a very long time. I'm so proud of me! My bff down here has been encouraging me to consider pursuing my dreams and allowing myself to do something that I'm passionate about whenever I'm through all this pain and her encouragements are finally making sense so I thought I share my thoughts with y'all about it...
I've always wanted to learn sign language...I know a bit, but I'm far from fluent... I've also regretted not completing my degree. I was thinking about both those things and also how they might fit together (study ASL?) and it occurred to me to research it a little...but my passion for helping kids (that's what my husband and I do - we're Children's Pastors) also entered into my thoughts. Well, I started to research and found out something. I never knew that there was such a need for ASL interpreters and workers among abused deaf children! The incidence of abuse among deaf and communication challenged kids is HUGELY higher than the already staggering statistics for mainstream children. The stats tell me that 50-70% of them suffer abuse - 50-70%! Wow. So I was thinking, maybe get my degree in something that could help (child psychology, social work, something along those lines...) with a dual major in ASL and Deaf studies... I have no idea what the hope is for a career in that, being that it's so specific, and I certainly don't want to go for something beyond a Bachelor's degree because of time and money, but suddenly I feel the urge to check into this more. And again, it's the first time in a long time (that is - not since I started this whole "recovery" process...) that I've actually cared about the future, much less been excited about doing something different.
Anyway, thought it was worth sharing. Maybe it's the medicines I'm doped up on, or maybe it's the hour, or maybe it's God finally waking me up to life again, but I just had to share and ask.
What do y'all think?
Good Mornin Sunshine, welcome to the rest of your life...
Double major, social work and speach pathology? Fluent interpreters for ASL get paid like25 dollars an hr. And I hear they are relly needed in the court systems. There are lots of options.
what was ur major anyway?
Hey, just wanted to respond to this post first before I read the next one. God does have a plan for your life and you should at least investigate what that is. You are on your way already. Don't let this be only a dream, pursue it. However the most important part in this pursuit is prayer. Go in the direction you think is right and trust God to guide you. If the direction is wrong He will tell you. You have something to encourage children, children that have been hurt, discouraged, and abused. Your pain can be somebody else's hope. If you made it so can they. There are going to be kids only you can reach. Your life is being literally reborn for the glory of God.
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