Thursday, June 28, 2012

marriage counseling?

desperately wanting to make my marriage better, i made an appointment for marriage counseling for today. husband had me cancel it. am disappointed and frustrated with this as it means that, again, progress will be slow. he seems to think we dont need it but i know we do. to be blunt, things are bad in the bedroomm. also, finances are tight, making alternatives for therapy even more elusive. but.... (praise God for but's) it DID end up in a long into the night conversation where i felt we were both able to be much more honest and open then we have been before and finally put away the swords enough to hear each other. again, we are kinda figuring this out on our own if there's no counselor, so the progress will be slow but at the moment any progress is good. i wish he had someone to talk to who has successfullly supported someone thru a journey like mine but again... some things seem to be just too much to ask... just pleasse, those who pray, please pray. we needd progress here and idk how much i can stand of the inch by inch method. thanks.

1 comment:

Riverbird said...

Hi Ang,

Just wanted to let you know I'm still around and thinking of you. I don't have internet in my apartment yet so I have super limited access. I miss getting to see you! Please know I'm still just a phone call or text away if you need anything. I hope you're doing ok.