Thursday, June 14, 2012

wow it's been a while! sorry!

wow, it's been quite a while since i posted much - but that's due to good things, for a change. i have a new support group online - a christian one for DID survivors and it's been very good - it's answering a lot of my questions and addressing a lot of my issues. i have a book i found that i've not read in a very long time that's helping me with some of my why's and stuff too. AND - the strain on relationships is lessening too. i'm learning how to communicate more effectively and more positively and it's making a big difference... and for my readers that pray for me, thank you - truly God is at work. if you would please pray specifically for me to make more solid friendships where i live now, that'd be great because i soooooooooooooooo want to be more grounded here and i believe it will help my hubby too as he has been very concerned of late about that specifically. thanks again everyone for your patience. i'm learning to "get a life" and it's a very good thing. ttfn, AngieSue

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