Wednesday, May 9, 2012

God was with me - TRIGGERING

God was with me when the slid the hood over my head... God was with me when they threw me across the room and into the wall... God was with me as i lay in a heap, unconcious there, where i fell... He wept for what was happening.... ... God was with me when they stripped me ... He was there when they stole my clothes... quietly reminding me they stole his too... ... He was with me on the table. the dreaded table... He was with me in the forest surrounded by evil men... He was with me in the concrete room and the blinding light... it was His voice that screamed and cried when i had none... and He cradled me in His arms when i ceased to exist... at the hands of my abusers... when i became an object of torture... rather than a human being... ... he took the cold water to rinse the blood away... it was His blood too, that bled for this... that i might live... and survive... when i prayed to die, He allowed INE to take my place... just as He took mine on the cross to bear my pain... when i cry out "why?!" "how?!"... he listens and cares... He is the Man that proves that all men are not bad... and that i am indeed worthy of love... it is He that stores my tears up in buckets and barrels... and He who will relieve me of this pain one day... when i lie in a heap... at the foot of His throne.


DaNella Auten said...

I like that, can I post it on fb author unknown? Or you could pray about a slightly more generic version that I could share. I like that.

DaNella Auten said...

ps email or im or message me your yes or no. I WILL not use it w/o your ok. Love ya!