Friday, July 27, 2012

long week

ok so it's been a long week. we did vbs and bussed for it. so i've been up at six every morning - out early driving busses, running vacation bible school behind the scenes - playing mediator to fighting workers - and driving busses in the afternoon heat... followed by various evening activities. my daughter preached for the first time on Wednesday and will be singing in church on Sunday. we just completed our four week camp for autistic children. and i'm going to travel next week and the week after for various reasons. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo exhausted. also - i ended up self harming this week. which i feel VERY bad over. one of my readers will understand exactly why. the rest of you can assume it's because it's not a good practice to be in and i feel badly over it. needless to say, i do. still having marriage difficulties. i thought we had progress but when everything blew up again last night, it was pointed out to me that the reason i feel that way is because i've been sleeping pretty much alone all week. ooops. anyway, things are hard. o how i wish i knew how to handle all this stuff better. i guess that's all i have to say. just wanted to provide an update. g'nite.

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