Okay, don't know if this question is answerable but I have to ask it anyway.
Been struggling with belly pain for 11 days now - severe in the last 5. Been to both the ER and the regular dr. No one can figure out what's the problem. Everyone wants to pawn me off on someone else. The answer for now is "wait and see" because there is nothing more they can do to help other than treat the pain until we know WHY it hurts and my body isn't yet telling it loudly enough I guess.
Maybe it's the pain meds or the duration, I don't know, but I'm beginning to see parallels from my physical pain to the pain in my spirit. Hurts like crazy. No one can fix it. Very isolating. Hard to function. Got to wait it out...
Guess my question is: are both of these something I just need to learn to live with? is it that the only way to get over them is to find a way to cope through them for indefinite amounts of time?
I know God will eventually heal. I also know my heart will never be as though it never happened. Maybe acceptance is something I need in both places? Just accept it and live with it. Just sounds like such a bummer solution, you know?
I'm overwhelmed. I'm exhausted. I want it all to be over. Both physically and in my heart. I'm so tired.
Come on, God. Where are You? Is this really what You want for me?
No. And don't you settle for it eather. Do you hear me? Do NOT settle.
My best guess is no to both questions. You don't have to live with either pain, at least permanently. I would first wonder what kind of tests did they do? Being under some stress, did they look for ulcers or some other thing due to stress? Hernia? Appendicitis? Just some ideas. Do you have other symptoms?
I will pray for wisdom for the doctors and healing for you.
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