Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Look Out!!!

ok so i am feeling the strongest and most empowered i have ever felt. i believe i am ready to speak. here goes... the rapes began when i was 2. at first it was digital and objects. it was full on by the time i hit kindergarten. by first grade he was sharing me with friends. this went on until seventh grade. there was psychological, emotional, physical, sexual and every other kind of torture that exist to my knowledge. i've called it molestation, rape, abuse, SRA... trafficking, even. but i never understood really what was happening until now. it was all about power, sexual climax, pain, sadism and profit. it was never about me. never was i allowed to exist. it all stops now. i have finally come to the point where i feel empowered and strong and human and well and good and powerful myself. i choose to spend the rest of my life helping others recover from such histories. i am ready to speak. to go back to school. to learn. to grow. to be an adult. i want to find my niche in fighting human trafficking. as far as i am concerned, i'll save as many as i can. like the starfish story. i am human hear me roar - look out world - i'm ready!

1 comment:

DaNella Auten said...

wow just read that, it gave me chills. I think you are ready. God is not done with you yet. Love ya!!!