Friday, October 14, 2011

Update - no triggers

so i've been kind of out of pocket for a really long time. a head full of bad things and no words followed by a break from that but the flu took over.

now my head is clearer (still not quiet, but better) and my body, although very tired, seems to have recovered from being sick.

so....... what's happening with me?

let's see... well, i kinda recapped the last month or two in the few sentences above... i survived september even though it spilled into the first week of october too. i survived a difficult birthday, which is funny because my birthdays have never been difficult till now. i'm still plugging away. missed counseling last week because of the flu... and because my current bff in melbourne was away on a trip... guess i've had a lot going on. i've felt like progress is not being made and i've just been treading water, but looking back at the opposition i've faced, i think it's pretty good to have just held my ground lately.

yeah, i like that, holding my ground in the midst of the storm - reminds me of something Biblical - standing on the Rock. :)

so i'm standing on the Rock. yay. now i'm going back to bed. that'll have to be enough for today.

1 comment:

Riverbird said...

Hey Ang....glad to see a post from you. As you know I've been thinking about you lots. I'm always here for you if you need me. And I must say I'm darn proud of you for treading all that water. That's A LOT for anyone to take on and you're doing awesome!