Wednesday, August 31, 2011

dear mom

dear mom how dare you have a relationship with me when you never supported me. how dare you seek MY support now?! i am struggling like crazy and wondering who's fault all this is - having trouble not taking blame - and do you speak on my behalf? not a word. not one. do you care that he hurt me? do you care that i hurt? do you even notice? i am angry with you as much as i am angry with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was 3, maybe even 2, and you abandoned me to him - you refused to question as i got older you even made more abuse possible by being absent and by assuring me i'd have plenty of time with my father how dare you call yourself a mother? i wish i could hate you! without love, your broken daughter

Friday, August 26, 2011

Going Mad...

the mad is taking over my brain. head spinning and screaming. i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

more coming soon.....

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rosie is Dead

Rosie is dead.
they killed her.
she lays limp on the table
beaten, bloodied, raw
her life sucked out of her
to breathe no more.

this was her destiny
they decided it for her
and now she is gone.

blink your tears away
for it is morning
and though she is listless and pale
she has school to face.

they brought her back
in the middle of the night
put her into her own bed
to regain consciousness
doomed to face another day
another night
another dance with death

Why does no one see her pain?!
she lives her personal hell every night
writhing under their ever present hands
praying for death
but it never comes
she looses consciousness only to awaken again
in her own bed

WHY?! why… why… why….
Angie lives yet again
but Rosie is dead.

08/07/11 - AngieSue

Thursday, August 4, 2011


drowning in tears. cant stop crying. been that way since the last post - weeks now.

the full weight of the sra is crushing me.

somebody care, please?